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Messages - Principal Desk

Columbia Institute of Pharmacy

Dear Students,

The Pharmaceutical field has made revolutionary progress throughout the globe. It is a vital field since it is concerned with the healthcare, which is a matter of life and death for human beings. A new era of pharmaceutical sciences has ushered due to rapid interfacing of different newly emerged disciplines. It appears that the pendulum of pharmaceutical sciences is slowly swinging more towards life sciences, applied medical and healthcare sciences, biotechnology and information technology. The pharmaceutical industries are already driven to adopt new corporate strategies, renewed management culture and systems, application of innovative technologies, intellectual related activities like Contract Clinical and developmental research, IPR, horizontal and vertical technology transfer, contract/toll manufacturing and marketing for their sustained growth and the very survival.

In the 21st century the greater knowledge based and more sophisticated technology will present many more challenges and opportunities than afforded now. The pharmacy teachers, students and practitioners in 21st century will have much to learn and much more to do.

Through this forum, I compliment and congratulate the entire Institution (Faculty, Non-Teaching Staff and Students) and wish all the best to rise to higher scales in the field of professional education and technology.

Dr. Ravindra Kumar Pandey